The MedBen Rx Difference.
Self-funding Saves.
You self-fund to take better control and to save money. With prescription drugs making up as much as one-quarter of your health plan costs, you need the right pharmacy solutions. This is where MedBen Rx delivers.
Stand-Alone or Combined.
MedBen Rx can be sold as a stand-alone pharmacy plan to complement your other health coverage… or offer it in combination with our medical benefits management program.
By switching to MedBen Rx, clients save, on average, 18.0% compared to their previous PBM.
Bringing the Best Services to Our Clients.
MedBen Rx offers pharmacy pricing, access, and appropriateness solutions that, individually or collectively, will reduce your prescription drug spend.

Pricing Solutions
MedBen Rx ensures that you pay the lowest pharmacy pricing available to your organization.

The MedBen Rx difference consistently delivers lowers costs
Comparing per-employee claim costs shows that MedBen Rx clients consistently spend less than those using other PBMs.
Access Solutions
MedBen Rx benefit preservation programs include specialty drug assistance that uses highly competitive solutions to deliver best-in-market pricing.

Case Study
Implementing specialty drug assistance solutions
A client requested access solutions to counter the effect high-cost specialty drugs were having on their overall Rx spend.
In the first year after making changes to their pharmacy plan, the client saved a total of $837,911 on overall drug costs, or $1,808 per employee. This represents a 49% savings. After adding in limited-use HRA funds spent, the client still saved $663,860 ($1,432 per employee) – a 39% savings.
Appropriateness Solutions
To deliver customized, high-value formularies to you, MedBen Rx uses clinical-based research that recommends the most effective drugs to your plan members.

Comparative effectiveness savings among drug classes
MedBen Rx reviewed client data for members who use clinical-based research to find the most effective drugs.
In 2023, MedBen Rx clients realized an average annual savings of 39.5% after adding comparative effectiveness to their pharmacy plan.
The results we saw from implementing MedBen Rx were dramatic. Our pharmacy costs dropped significantly, and our employees experienced no disruption.
Experience & Innovation.
MedBen Rx has over 30 years experience working with hospitals, schools, municipalities and all other private industries. We deliver innovative pharmacy solutions based on the client’s individual needs.
Contact us today to learn how we can reduce your prescription drug spending.