MedBen Chairman & CEO Kurt Harden and Profero Team Director of Precision Medicine Cynthia Yu were featured presenters at the 11th Annual Sherrill-Morgan Healthcare Innovation Conference on September 18th. Harden and Yu spoke on the topic of genomic testing — what it is and how it can help lower plan costs and improve population health.

“Genomics empowers your employees to work harder, faster, and more intelligently,” Harden said. “And by offering genomic testing, you can capitalize on the connection between well-being, disease management and disease prevention, and optimize employee performance.”

Genomics, the biological study of an individual’s overall DNA (or “genome”), is precision health management that uses a person’s genes in combination with their lifestyle and environment to determine the best course of treatment. Two of the most popular areas of genomics are:

  • Pharmacogenomics — The study of genes impacting the response to a drug.
  • Nutrigenomics — The study of genes impacting the processing, utilization and response to nutrients.

“Only 30 to 50% of people respond to 90% of the most common drugs,” Harden noted. “But pharmacogenomic testing minimizes trial and error, predicts adverse effects, and enables the provider to develop a personalized drug treatment plan for the patient.”

Harden added that pharmacogenomics benefits plan sponsors as well: “Employers see an estimated 28% decline on medical-related absenteeism through fewer disability claims, improved employee productivity, and higher revenues.”

Likewise, nutrigenomics offers advantages to both employers and their employees, Yu observed. “Nutrigenomic testing provides a blueprint for attaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which in turn helps promote a healthier workplace and lower medical costs,” she said.

Employees taking a nutrigenomic test receive a detailed report showing how nutrients interact with their DNA, impacting their body composition and overall health. “So not only do the tests help detect and prevent disease, but they also aid in lowering their obesity risk and achieving their fitness goals,” Yu said.

Taking a nutrigenomic or pharmacogenomic test is simple… it can be done at home in minutes and requires just an oral swab. Once the sample is shipped and tested, a team member reviews the results with the patient and offers actionable recommendations.

Read more about genomic testing and order test kits at

For additional information about how genomic testing can improve employee health and reduce your plan costs, talk to your broker or call MedBen Rx at 888-627-8683.