Dec 21, 2018 | Average Wholesale Price, MedBen Rx, Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM), Rx Costs, Savings
Drug pricing can be a confusing business… and much of the confusion stems from a drug’s average wholesale price, or AWP. On the surface, the AWP might seem to be… well, the average wholesale price or the average price of a drug. But the price to who? As...
Dec 2, 2018 | Brand Name Drugs, Generic Drugs, MedBen Rx, MedBen Rx Advocate, MedBen Rx Alliance, Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM), Specialty Drugs
Modern Healthcare recently highlighted the growing disparity between brand-names and generics in relation to prescription drug spending. A new study finds that while total spending on generic drugs has declined, branded prescription drug spending continues to rise. In...
Nov 21, 2018 | MedBen Rx, Rebates, Rx Costs, Rx Spending, Savings, Specialty Drugs
A New York Times article examines the dramatic rise in U.S. prescription drug costs over the past two decades. American drug spending was once on par with other wealthy countries, but between 1997 and 2007 our drug spending tripled… and took off again in 2013....
Nov 6, 2018 | Generic Drugs, MedBen Rx, Rx Costs, Savings
As the prescribing of generic drugs has become more commonplace, most consumers have come to see that these medications work just as well as their pricier band-name equivalents. Indeed, when a generic alternative is available, MedBen clients see a 98% average...
Oct 23, 2018 | Legislation, MedBen Access, MedBen Rx, Online Services, Rebates, Rx Costs, Transparency
In an effort to improve drug pricing transparency, the Department of Health and Human Services recently released a proposal requiring drug companies to include their list prices in consumer ads. But MedBen already provides far more transparent Rx solutions. Drug...