Feb 6, 2023 | Announcements, MedBen Rx, MedBen University, Specialty Drugs
The 22nd Season of MedBen University (MBU) will soon be in session! In 2023, MBU will explore current benefit management issues and proven solutions MedBen offers, including: golden pen,notebook,calculator and glasses on black desk Reducing Rx spend...
Feb 3, 2023 | Gene therapy, Inflation, MedBen Rx, Rx Costs, Rx prices, Rx Spending, Savings, Specialty Drugs
Even though health care costs have not seen the same rate of inflation as other industries, that’s about to change. Fortunately, MedBen has a variety of inflation-hedging solutions to counter rising costs. As a recent Self-Insurer article notes, health care costs...
Feb 1, 2023 | Legislation, MedBen Rx, Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM), Rx Costs, Rx prices, Rx Spending
Pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) are increasingly being called to answer for their questionable business practices at multiple levels of government. On the state level, in recent months: A major PBM has settled with Iowa and at least 14 other states for...
Jan 23, 2023 | Avande, Gene therapy, Luke Burchard, MedBen Rx, Rx Costs, Rx prices, Rx Spending, Savings
In two recent articles, we touched on the growing prevalence of high-cost drugs, some with price tags in the thousands and even millions of dollars: Drugmakers are raising prices on over 350 unique drugs this month.Innovative gene therapies have emerged that cost as...
Jan 6, 2023 | Comparative Effectiveness, Cost Plus Pricing, MedBen Rx, News, Prescription drugs, Rx Costs, Rx prices, Specialty Drugs
From Reuters: “Drugmakers including Pfizer Inc, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Bristol Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca PLC and Sanofi SA plan to raise prices in the United States on more than 350 unique drugs in early January, according to data analyzed by healthcare research...