MedBen Rx Blog
Zaenger Outlines Benefits of “Cost Plus” Difference, Offers Rx Plan Suggestions
A featured speaker at several of this year's MedBen University sessions is pharmaceutical consultant Allan Zaenger, President of Pharmaceutical Horizons. At recent roundtables, Zaenger outlined plan design options employers should consider to reduce prescription costs...
Study Reveals Opioids No More Effective Than Safer Alternatives
Opioid painkillers usually make the headlines because of their addictive dangers, rather than their therapeutic advantages. But now, new research has raised questions as to whether such benefits have been overstated. A year-long study of individuals suffering from...
The “Cost Plus” Approach to Rx Benefits
A recent New York Times article identifies a fundamental problem in the pricing of medicines in our health care system today: It is difficult to determine what “cost” is for a medicine. What a given pharmacy actually pays to stock a medicine in the pharmacy to sell...
A Note from Our Chairman and President
To our customers, consultants, and brokers: Welcome to 2018! For MedBen, the coming year carries a special significance, as we will celebrate our 80th anniversary in May. As with any benchmark anniversary, it gives us a chance to look back at how we’ve grown, and what...