Oct 30, 2023 | Appropriateness Solutions, Comparative Effectiveness, Drug costs, MedBen Rx, Pharmacies, Prescription drugs, Research
MedBen Rx’s expanded pharmacy solutions offer a variety of ways to reduce your prescription drug spend… including appropriateness solutions that use clinical-based research to recommend the most effective drugs to your plan members. Comparative...
Mar 6, 2023 | Access solution, Access solutions, MedBen Rx, Medicare, Research, Rx Costs, Rx prices, Rx Spending, Savings, Specialty Drugs
Employers pay up to 30 times as much for specialty drugs than Medicare does, new research finds. According to the JAMA Health Forum, for the 10 most commonly used specialty drugs, employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) plans paid prices up to 3,350%...
Feb 21, 2023 | Comparative Effectiveness, MedBen Rx, Research, Rx Advertising, Rx Costs, Rx prices, Rx Spending, TruDataRx
Drug companies spend $6 billion per year on direct-to-consumer ads with the goal of getting patients to ask their doctors to prescribe drugs that, in many instances, cost substantially more but are less effective than their current medications. And with no comparative...